The Ultimate Guide to Scalp Psoriasis: From Symptoms to Natural RemediesView all articles

The Ultimate Guide to Scalp Psoriasis: From Symptoms to Natural Remedies

Are you tired of battling that pesky itch and flaky fallout called psoriasis that seems to have taken residence on your scalp? Whether you’ve been dealing with scalp psoriasis for a long time or are wondering if your newly appearing symptoms are in fact psoriasis, I've got your back.

Navigating scalp psoriasis can be a perplexing journey, but fear not. In this article, I’m diving into the world of psoriasis, from demystifying the symptoms to exploring various treatments for scalp psoriasis.

While there are many medical treatments, there's a growing interest in harnessing the power of nature to soothe and manage mild scalp psoriasis. Various natural remedies and lifestyle changes can offer a roadmap toward potential relief.

So let's dive into the details and embark on a quest for a happier, healthier scalp.


Understanding Scalp Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that accelerates the growth cycle of skin cells, leading to the formation of scales and patches on the skin, including the scalp. Psoriasis is characterized by persistent itching, redness, and the telltale sign of flaky or crusty patches.

The impact of scalp psoriasis extends beyond the physical symptoms. It's not just an inconvenience; it can affect daily life and overall well-being. The persistent itching and visible signs can influence self-esteem, making social interactions and personal confidence a bit more challenging.

You might be wondering, "How common is this issue?" If you have psoriasis, you're definitely not alone on this journey. Studies have found that psoriasis affects 2-3% of the population, and around half of the people who have psoriasis have it on their scalp.

Identifying Scalp Psoriasis Symptoms

Scalp Psoriasis Symptoms

How do you know if your symptoms are actually psoriasis and not just a dry scalp or dandruff? Here are the most common signs of scalp psoriasis:

  • Flaky or Scaly Patches: The presence of silvery-white scales or flaky patches on the scalp is a visual marker of psoriasis. These discolored, crusted plaques usually appear around your hairline, forehead, neck, and ears. These skin patches are the hallmark signs of psoriasis.
  • Itching: Some people with scalp psoriasis experience itching on the scalp, which is often relentless and can significantly impact daily comfort.
  • Redness (Erythema): The appearance of red patches on the scalp is a distinctive characteristic, indicating heightened inflammation.
  • Dryness and Irritation: Scalp psoriasis often leads to dryness, causing irritation and a sensation of tightness or burning on the scalp.
  • Hair loss: While scalp psoriasis doesn't inherently cause hair loss, vigorous scratching, intense picking at scaly areas, harsh treatments, and the associated stress may contribute to temporary hair loss.

Understanding these symptoms is pivotal for the early detection and effective treatment of scalp psoriasis. However, it's equally important to differentiate scalp psoriasis from other similar scalp conditions.

Distinguishing Scalp Psoriasis from Similar Conditions:

  • Dandruff: While both conditions may present with flaky skin, dandruff tends to produce smaller, less noticeable flakes. Psoriasis flakes are typically larger and more silvery in appearance. Dandruff is usually caused by yeast, whereas psoriasis is an autoimmune disease.
  • Seborrheic Dermatitis: This condition shares similarities with scalp psoriasis, including redness and flaking. However, seborrheic dermatitis flakes are usually yellowish and oily.
  • Scalp Eczema: Eczema can also affect the scalp, but it tends to cause more widespread redness and inflammation, often accompanied by persistent itching.

For an accurate diagnosis of your symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor or healthcare professional.

10 Common Treatments for Scalp Psoriasis

Firstly, it’s crucial to mention that psoriasis, including its manifestation on the scalp, is a chronic condition, and there is no permanent cure. However, effective management strategies can significantly reduce the symptoms of scalp psoriasis and improve the overall quality of life. Embracing a holistic approach, encompassing lifestyle changes, targeted treatments, and a responsive care routine, is key to navigating the chronic nature of psoriasis and fostering long-term well-being.

Here are some of the most common treatments and medications that form the backbone of medical interventions, especially for more severe cases of scalp psoriasis.

  1. Topical Corticosteroids: These anti-inflammatory medications help reduce redness, itching, and inflammation on the scalp. Topical corticosteroids are available in various forms, including creams, ointments, and solutions.
  2. Topical Calcineurin Inhibitors: These medications modulate the immune response and can be particularly useful in sensitive areas, such as the face and scalp. Available in cream or ointment form, they are applied directly to the affected scalp areas.
  3. Salicylic Acid Preparations: Salicylic acid helps soften scales and promote their removal, aiding in the management of scalp psoriasis. Typically found in scalp psoriasis shampoos or topical solutions, salicylic acid preparations are applied to the scalp to facilitate the exfoliation and shedding of scales.
  4. Coal Tar Products: Coal tar has anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative effects, slowing down the growth of skin cells. This traditional treatment of scalp psoriasis is often included in shampoos, oils, and creams designed for scalp application.
  5. Vitamin D Analogues: These synthetic forms of vitamin D help regulate skin cell growth and can be beneficial in managing scalp psoriasis symptoms. These topical solutions are applied directly to the scalp.
  6. Systemic Medications: In more severe cases, oral or injectable medications may be prescribed to modulate the immune response. Keep in mind that medications often come with potential side effects.
  7. Biologics: Biologics target specific components of the immune system to reduce inflammation associated with scalp psoriasis. Depending on the type, biologics are typically administered through injection.
  8. Anthralin: Anthralin helps to normalize DNA activity in skin cells, slowing down the excessive growth and development of cells. These creams, ointments, or pastes are applied to the scalp for a specified duration before being washed off.
  9. Topical or oral retinoids: Retinoids such as topical tazarotene or oral acitretin help normalize skin cell growth. Oral retinoids are often only considered in the treatment of more severe cases of scalp psoriasis.
  10. Moisturizers and Emollients: While not direct treatments, regular use of moisturizers, oils, and emollients helps alleviate dryness and itching and complement other treatments for scalp psoriasis.

Note that the choice of treatment depends on the severity of the condition, individual response, and medical history. Consulting with a dermatologist is paramount to determining the most suitable approach and ensuring effective management of scalp psoriasis.

In the next section, I'll explore the intriguing world of natural remedies, providing a holistic perspective on scalp psoriasis care. They offer a complementary perspective to medical treatments for scalp psoriasis.

7 Natural Remedies for Scalp Psoriasis

Natural Remedies for Scalp Psoriasis

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera possesses anti-inflammatory properties, providing relief from itching and redness, making it a great natural remedy for scalp psoriasis.

Application: Apply pure aloe vera gel directly to the scalp, leaving it on for a while before rinsing. Alternatively, opt for gentle hair and scalp care products rich in aloe vera to soothe the symptoms of scalp psoriasis.


Oats have soothing properties that can alleviate itching and irritation.

Application: Create an oat paste by mixing finely ground oats with water, and apply it to the scalp. Rinse thoroughly after a short period. Or search for products such as mild scalp psoriasis shampoos formulated with oat extract.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, assisting in reducing inflammation.

Application: Dilute tea tree oil with carrier oil and gently massage it into the scalp. Leave it on for a short time before rinsing. As with all essential oils, I recommend conducting a patch test on a small area first. Or use carefully formulated products that contain just the right amount of tea tree oil for a safe but effective treatment.

Sea Salt

Renowned for its therapeutic properties due to being rich in minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium, sea salt is celebrated for its potential to alleviate itching and reduce inflammation.

Application: Whether through dedicated shampoos or at-home treatments, it can provide gentle exfoliation, promote the removal of scales, and reduce inflammation.

Pine Wood Tar

Similar to coal tar, natural pine wood tar helps slow down skin cell growth and reduce inflammation.

Application: Included in many scalp psoriasis shampoos or topical solutions, apply as directed for effective results.

Olive Oil

Olive oil's moisturizing properties can alleviate dryness and reduce flakiness.

Application: Massage oil into the scalp. Leave it on for a period before washing.

UV Light

Controlled and moderate exposure to the sun's UV light can slow down skin cell growth. Keep in mind the risks associated with UV light exposure and apply sunscreen to areas that are not affected by psoriasis.

Application: Sun exposure or UV lamps for phototherapy, under the guidance of a healthcare professional, can be considered.


These natural remedies can be especially beneficial for mild scalp psoriasis, providing relief from symptoms and promoting a healthier scalp. In more severe cases or alongside medical treatments, incorporating these natural remedies for scalp psoriasis can complement traditional medications, offering a holistic approach to scalp health.

Remember, individual responses may vary, and it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating new treatments, especially if you are currently under medical care.

Gentle Scalp Psoriasis Shampoos

When it comes to managing scalp psoriasis, specialized shampoos play a crucial role in providing relief and maintaining a healthy scalp environment.

The shampoos listed below are not intended to replace primary treatments for scalp psoriasis, but due to their gentle formulations rich in soothing and anti-inflammatory ingredients, they can be valuable in supporting mild scalp psoriasis symptom management. All of the mentioned shampoos are free from silicones, sulfates, mineral oils, and parabens and are certified organic and vegan. For those with more severe symptoms, it is recommended to consider special medicated shampoos.

Moisture Hero™ Shampoo - Deeply Hydrating Shampoo for Dry Hair and Scalp

Key Ingredients for Scalp Psoriasis: Aloe vera, glycerin, anti-inflammatory elderflower and tea leaf extracts, jojoba oil, and cacao seed butter.

A hydrating option for dry hair and scalp, Moisture Hero™ Shampoo is rich in anti-inflammatory ingredients, making it a favorable choice for individuals managing psoriasis.

Instant Relief™ Dandruff Shampoo - Antimicrobial Shampoo for Flaky Scalps

Key Ingredients for Scalp Psoriasis: Tea tree oil, aloe vera, glycerin, and antimicrobial dermosoft® decalact MB.

Specifically developed for dandruff, the active ingredients of Instant Relief™ Dandruff Shampoo can also provide relief for individuals dealing with psoriasis, thanks to their antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Split Fix™ Shampoo - Soothing Shampoo for Dry Ends and Scalp

Key Ingredients for Scalp Psoriasis: Aloe vera, sea salt, oat extract, and moisturizing oils.

Formulated for dry and fragile hair prone to split ends, the sulfate-free Split Fix™ Shampoo is gentle and moisturizing. Its soothing formula makes it suitable for individuals with scalp psoriasis.

Curl Crush™ Shampoo - For Those with Curls and Mild Scalp Psoriasis

Key Ingredients for Scalp Psoriasis: Aloe vera, sea salt, and glycerin.

Tailored for curly hair, this gentle low-poo shampoo offers moisture and a delicate cleanse. An ideal alternative for those embracing their curls, including individuals managing mild scalp psoriasis.

Grow Perfect™ Shampoo - Scalp Stimulating Shampoo for Hair Loss and Psoriasis

Key Ingredients for Scalp Psoriasis: Aloe vera, sea salt, glycerin, and glucose.

Developed with hair growth in mind, the scalp-balancing and stimulating Grow Perfect™ Shampoo also accommodates those dealing with psoriasis due to its soothing and moisturizing properties.

Maximizing Results with Scalp Psoriasis Shampoos

Achieving optimal results with mild scalp psoriasis shampoos involves a holistic approach, incorporating care beyond shampoo application. Here are some expert tips to enhance your experience:

Always Use Conditioner

The use of conditioner is paramount to maintaining scalp and hair moisture. Psoriasis-prone scalps benefit from the added hydration provided by a high-quality conditioner.

Tip: Choose a conditioner suitable for your hair type, ensuring it complements the moisturizing effects of the shampoo. Scalp Delight™ Detox Conditioner is a great option for dry and irritated scalps thanks to its lightweight and soothing formula containing aloe vera and glycerin. Unlike many other conditioners, it can be safely applied to the scalp too.

Massage with a Gentle Silicone Scalp Brush

Incorporating a gentle silicone scalp massage brush can aid in the removal of flaky and scaly patches. The massaging action helps distribute shampoo evenly and promotes exfoliation.

Tip: Exercise caution and gentleness when using the brush. Avoid scrubbing or scratching too vigorously, as this may exacerbate symptoms. A gentle, circular massage is sufficient for effective results.

By integrating these tips into your hair care routine, you can maximize the benefits of scalp psoriasis shampoos. Remember, consistency is key, and a gentle touch goes a long way in nurturing your scalp towards improved health.

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8 Lifestyle Changes for Scalp Psoriasis Management

Lifestyle Changes for Scalp Psoriasis Management

Beyond specialized shampoos and treatments, lifestyle adjustments play a pivotal role in managing scalp psoriasis. Consider incorporating the following practices into your daily routine:

Dietary Considerations

Adopting an anti-inflammatory diet can contribute to managing scalp psoriasis symptoms. Emphasize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and omega-3 fatty acids, while minimizing processed foods. Similarly, ensure you're drinking enough water daily, since staying well-hydrated supports skin health, including the scalp.

Stress Management

Stress is known to exacerbate scalp psoriasis symptoms. Explore stress-relieving activities such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises to foster emotional well-being.

Frequent Washing and Moisturizing

Regular shampooing helps prevent the buildup of scales, while moisturizing maintains scalp hydration. Remember to choose sulfate-free and gentle hair care products.

Avoiding Known Triggers

Identify and steer clear of triggers that worsen your symptoms. This may include specific hair care products, environmental factors, or dietary choices.

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy weight, minimal alcohol intake, and cessation of smoking contribute to overall well-being, potentially alleviating scalp psoriasis symptoms.

Avoiding Picking or Scratching

Resist the urge to pick or scratch the scalp, as this can lead to further irritation and damage. Opt for gentle scalp massage techniques or the use of salicylic acid instead.

Consider a Shorter Haircut

Some individuals find that maintaining shorter hair makes it easier to apply and manage treatments. It can enhance the effectiveness of topical solutions and ease overall care. For inspiration, see these trending short haircuts.

Limit Use of Hot Tools

Excessive heat from styling tools can contribute to dryness. Limit the use of hot tools and opt for air-drying and gentle hair towels when possible to promote scalp health.

By incorporating these lifestyle changes, you can create a supportive environment for managing scalp psoriasis. Consistency and a holistic approach are key to nurturing your overall well-being and maintaining a healthy scalp.

When to Seek Medical Help for Scalp Psoriasis

Seek medical assistance for scalp psoriasis if you experience any of the following:

  • Persistent or Worsening Symptoms: When over-the-counter remedies for scalp psoriasis aren't providing relief and symptoms persist or worsen.
  • Severe Discomfort: Intense itching, pain, or discomfort significantly impacts daily life.
  • Spread or New Symptoms: Psoriasis spreads to new areas or presents with new and concerning symptoms.
  • Difficulty in Daily Activities: Scalp psoriasis interferes with routine activities like hair care.
  • Emotional Impact: Emotional distress, including anxiety or self-consciousness, requires professional attention.
  • Signs of Infection: Increased redness, swelling, warmth, or drainage indicate a potential infection.
  • Treatment Side Effects: Adverse reactions or side effects from scalp psoriasis treatments require immediate attention.
  • Pregnancy or Nursing: Consult a healthcare provider before using treatments during pregnancy or nursing.

For early intervention and a personalized care plan, consult your healthcare provider if you are facing persistent challenges or doubts.

In our exploration of psoriasis, we've delved into the nuances of scalp psoriasis symptoms and holistic approaches to care. I've highlighted natural remedies for scalp psoriasis, specialized scalp psoriasis shampoos, and lifestyle adjustments. Whether you're incorporating gentle shampoos into your routine, exploring natural remedies for scalp psoriasis, or seeking medical guidance when needed, the journey to a healthier scalp involves embracing a multifaceted approach.

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